Sunday, June 12, 2016

Sunday. Funday

Thanks to many prayers and a bit of medical assistance, we both slept fairly well through the night. When we got up this morning, it was raining, but we decided we'd still journey on to church.

Of course, by the time we left apartment, it had stopped raining, but we had our umbrellas with us (all day!) just in case. We met Marc at the Uniri Metro stop, and from there the three of us journeyed on to church. We met up with Costel shortly before arriving at church, which was a pleasant surprise.

It was so great walking up to church and it being so familiar. It was even better walking in and seeing a few familiar faces. As we began worshipping in Romanian, and later taking the Lord's supper together, the surreal feeling encroached upon me again. It always gives me a small glimpse of what Heaven will be like--all the nations surrounding the throne, praising Jesus together.

Adi, a former CTL staff member, preached a great message, and he was thoughtful enough to have a dear lady named Ana sit by us and translate.

After church, Marc, Bailey, and I decided to head over to Old Town to wander around a bit and find something to eat. Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures, but we ended up at one of the restaurants that has outdoor cafe type seating. It was so fun to be able to sit back in the shade, relax a bit, eat some delicious food, and enjoy each other's company.

Gelato was, of course, on tap next, and we all quite enjoyed it as we walked around a bit more--Marc and I quoting Brian Regan and laughing at ourselves while Bailey looked at us with slight confusion.  Don't worry folks, YouTube videos of Brian Regan WILL be in Bailey's and my near future. We must get her on board with this.

Eventually we parted ways and Bailey and I headed back to the apartment while Marc went on to the ministry center.

After a bit of reading and some Brian Regan, our good friend (and former CTL staff member), Denisa, came over to visit. It was a complete joy to walk over to our Metro stop and see her sweet self standing there. We had an great visit and we laughed a lot. It was so good to see her!

Now here we sit in our living room relaxing, but fighting the good fight to not fall asleep until bedtime tonight.

Tomorrow will begin our first day of ministry at the office, and I'm beyond excited to see everyone!

I'll keep you all posted as much as possible. Thanks for all your prayers and support thus far.

Here are a few prayer requests for those that would like some direction:

1. Physical health and stamina, especially with the heat and time adjustment.
2. That God would continue to empty me so that I would be filled with Him.
3. That I will be diligent to listen to the Spirit and obedient in whatever way He is directing me.
4. That I would love well, serve well, and share whatever it is God is calling me to share.
5. That God would not only do a mighty work through me, but IN me.

Love to you all!

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