Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thanks for the Reminder...

As I glanced to the right of my Facebook page this evening, I see a status update from this day in 2009: 

I get to work every day this week! Thank you Lord!!!

I was subbing, as I had yet to be hired by Bakersfield City. It's amazing to pause and think about all that has changed in two short years:

* I got hired by Bakersfield City and taught 6th grade English and History. 

* I experienced my first and last (so far) relationship.

* I had foot surgery and discovered my complete hatred for casts. 

* I spent months and months in physical therapy, hoping to walk normally again.

* I went to Puerto Vallarta. 

* I got hired by PBVUSD and taught 7th and 8th grade at Thompson. 

* I turned a quarter of a century old. 

* I finished BTSA.

* I found out I'd had to leave Thompson and I was crushed. 

* I went to Europe and the UK.

* I cruised to Mexico.

* I flew in a helicopter to the Grand Canyon. 

* I packed up a classroom and moved to Warren.

* I started my third year of teaching at my third school. 

* I bought a car.

It's hard to believe all that has happened in two short years. Some of it has been amazing, some of it has been crushing, but God has remained my rock through it all. Thanks for the reminder, Facebook. I'm excited to see what's ahead. It can be difficult waiting in this unknown chapter of life, but I must trust in God's perfect and sovereign plan. 

What might my list in 2013 look like? 

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