Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Classroom Move. Check!

That's right... I successfully moved out of my old room, into my new room, and just about finished decorating it.

Want to see? 

No? ...then leave. 

Yes? Read on! 

I've been wanting a portable for some time now. Besides the cool people out in Portable Alley, I really wanted my own four walls and two huge windows. Aaaaand, I'm super grateful to be away from the students' restroom--seriously annoying to watch kids going to the bathroom (or escaping class) over and over and over all day (especially those who would stand and stare at my class outside of my window--not going to miss that)!

Ok, ok, enough babble....on with the pictures of the new room!

 Here is the view from the door. 

 This is the view from my desk. 

 Bookshelves (with some room left) and some reading posters

This is the future home of my MILLION word race (I have to wait for the lab to open to finish it)! 

UCLA area--my homeroom college! 

 Helpful Hints for a Happy Classroom ;)

 Here are some writing posters and my graduation stole.

My quote wall, complete with hombre, glittery fabric! LOVE it! 

A closer look (and the Rockin' Wildcat that my class won for neon day at the end of last year) 

Parts of speech and a look at my hanging papery things (do they have a name?) 

Favorite border ever (so many of my English teacher friends have it and it makes me happy!) 

Yup, I teach junior high! 

This is "my area." I haven't set up my desk yet, but a lot of my pictures are hung. I still need to make a collage of this year's Romania pictures. :)  

Notice PARIS on my fridge, my awesome GIANT Rainbow sandal, and my grad cap.  

This is on my window. Isn't my view AWESOME?!?!?! 

 A closer look at the pictures by my desk--I need to get some updated ones as well. 

Color explosion by the sink!

Welp, there you have it! It needs a TINY bit of work, but I'm done for now!!! Vacation, anyone???

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