Thursday, May 5, 2016

The Reality of a Smile

What is a smile?

The dictionary definition is as follows: to assume a facial expression indicating pleasure, favor, or amusement.

When you think about a smile, what comes to mind? Enjoyment. Good memories. Laughter?

When you see a picture of someone smiling, what do you think? He must be happy. She is having a good time. He has much to be grateful for? 

Look at that sweet face--that adorable smile--what comes to mind? A carefree little darling who plays outside in the sunshine during the day and cuddles up in her parents arms on the couch in the evening? At that age, she couldn't have a care in the world, could she? 

Unfortunately, the above scenario couldn't be farther from the truth. Ask me about this darling when you see me--I'd love to share more of her story with you.

Behind that sweet smile--behind the smile of hundreds of orphans in Bucharest, Romania--there's a story, often a sad, heartbreaking story. 

Behind these smiles there are stories of abandonment, loneliness, abuse, heartbreak.

So, why smile? Would you? Would you be able to indicate pleasure, favor, or amusement when your world is far from favorable? When your young life has been filled with such heartbreak?

Perhaps these orphans smile to put on a facade of strength and happiness even though their worlds are crumbling. Perhaps they smile to try to convince themselves that everything is alright. Perhaps they smile because even through immense pain, they have a flicker of hope. 

Children to Love offers that hope--the hope of the love of Jesus Christ. This summer I plan to hug these sweet little ones and share the hope of Jesus Christ with them. I want to illicit more smiles, not just for the camera, not just because they're supposed to, but because they truly feel loved.

Will you help me bring true smiles from true joy? Will you support me in my mission to share the hope and love of Jesus Christ? To let these precious little ones know that even though their pasts are filled with heartbreak, their futures don't have to be?

First and foremost, please join me in PRAYER.

I'm also in need of more financial support--about $1,200 by May 18th.

If you feel led to give, you may write a check to Children to Love, put my name in the memo, and mail it to PO Box 9575 93389.

You may also give online by going to, hovering over "give," clicking on "give (all ministries)," clicking on "give to send a team member or intern," writing my name in the comment box, and completing the form.

A HUGE THANK YOU to those who have already given and committed to praying for me. I can't do this alone!!!

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