Thursday, March 19, 2015

We're Heading Back!.... to Romania that is!

With the summer shaping up to be even crazier than normal, it seemed (not too many months ago) that Romania was not going to be a possibility this summer. I had resigned my heart to that fact... knowing that I'd be back again soon.

Or, at least I thought my heart had resigned...


Aimee Bradshaw went to Romania and had the audacity to FaceTime me. I got to see the ministry center, the staff that is now like family, and even a few of the kids during our sweet conversations.

And I. Just. Couldn't. Let. Go.

So, a while back, my madre and I went to have lunch with John Penrose. We were pulling at straws, trying anything we could think of to make our schedules work to fit Romania in--even if it meant just the two of us heading over right before school started (although that was far from ideal).

As we sat and ate some delicious Thai food, John rambled on about the summer schedule. I'm pretty sure I tuned out as soon as he said something to the effect of "There's a team going from Pennsylvania that has never been to Romania before. In fact, their church hasn't ever sent an overseas mission team anywhere. I'll probably have to go with them."

Uhhh....what? They're going in June (our only free month, but one that is already packed with teams in RO), and they need someone to go with them?! ME! ME! ME! Pick ME! Actually, I think it went more along the lines of...

John: I'll probably have to go with them.

Me: Unless you let me go with them.

John: Hmm, that could work.


Are you kidding me? Mom and I were seriously longing to go back to Romania, pulling at straws to find a time that would work, and now you're telling me that there's a team going (in our exact time frame) that could possibly use someone to go with them and lead?

God, you are WAY COOL! I LOVE how you worked that out and put that together for all of us.

We're IN!

So, we're headed back... in June... with a team from Pennsylvania (not before a training retreat and Skype meetings, of course).

I couldn't be more excited!

However, we can't do this alone! Scroll down for more information about how YOU can become involved!

 Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.  -Psalm 82:3-4

Dear Friends and Family,

            This summer we plan on doing that once more—defending, rescuing, delivering. We are excited to have the opportunity to travel back to Romania with Children to Love International (CTL) to serve and help meet the physical, mental, social, and spiritual needs of orphaned and abandoned children living in Romanian government orphanages and those at risk of entering them. Our trip is scheduled for June 11-21, 2015; however, it is unlike any other team we have been on before. This time, we will be leading a team of people from Halifax, Pennsylvania who have never served in Romania before! During this time, our team will travel to Bucharest, Romania to help CTL share the gospel with hundreds of orphans and to support and encourage the CTL national staff.

Amy: I cannot even express how excited I am to be going back to Romania this summer alongside a team from across the country. I know this trip will be filled with challenges and triumphs. I trust that our God will do far more abundantly than all we could ask or imagine in and through our team! I also can’t wait to reconnect with the CTL staff and the orphans that I have fallen in love with over the last few years. Is it June yet?! 

Schelly: I am overjoyed to be a part of this new and exciting team to Romania. Since going for the first time two years ago (and again last year!), I have been longing to go back. I cannot wait to see all that God has in store for us, this team, and the Romanian children and staff. I am also looking forward to taking on more of a leadership role alongside Amy.

As thrilled as we are to be able to serve God and the people of Romania once again this summer, we definitely cannot do it alone. We are asking you to prayerfully consider being a part of our support team. We will need you behind us in prayer and financial support to make this trip possible. We need to raise $5,600 to cover the costs of travel, lodging, food, housing, ministry expenses, and health insurance in Romania for both of us. Our deadline for raising support is May 28th, but we need to bring in some support soon to cover the cost of flights.  We are asking you for the gift of your prayers and whatever financial support you are able to share. We greatly appreciate your support (and of course, all of your financial gifts are tax deductible!).

            Please partner with us as we serve this country that is so near and dear to our hearts. If you choose to be a part of our support team, please make a check out to Children to Love (mail it to the address below) or give online by visiting, selecting “give” and then selecting “give to send a team member” (please designate “Amy Erickson/Schelly Thompson’s trip to Romania” on the check memo or online).

Thank you for your consideration in joining our team and touching and changing the lives of children and the staff in Romania.

Amy Erickson & Schelly Thompson

Children to Love International ~ P.O. Box 9575 ~ Bakersfield, CA 93389

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